Tuesday 18 September 2007

New members of Gnardeth

Well the contract obligations have been worked out and we can finally welcome Bibby, Ill and Joe Zone to the main team, although Joe Zone still has to prove himself worthy to the lads. So we went out for a ride last wednesday, I think.

Imanaged to get some pics, but I really need a digi SLR and some remote flashes.... oh well, these will have to do!

Ill with a manual

Bibby with a 180

Joe Zone with his bollocks poking through my bars.....

Bibby, manny to 180 to half cab out, booyah!

Me getting my toe down!

The next couple of pics i found randomly on my xd card.

My 'handmade' emo fringe!

My attempt at being an art fag which didn't work due to the fact that my camera is shite and i didn't notice the sign thats in the way, oh well!

Rampworx was awesome on Saturday, I took my camera and took the grand total of ZERO pics due to excessive ammounts of riding! Oh well, Mal (who is also now confirmed as a Gnardeth member, due to some confusion) was on FIRE all day, 720 up the step up, 360 whip the step up to straight whip the box! Taking the piss out of me by doing massive kick outs and being a 'stylist'. Bibby riding pegless, I was proud! The new 'street plaza' section is awesome! Joe Zone has no teeth........


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Anonymous said...

what the fuck is all this spanish shit for?